Σημαντικές αλλαγές τον Σεπτέμβρη στο Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds
Η Bluehole αποφάσισε να μειώσει τη ροή των updates στο Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds με σκοπό να βγάζει πιο μεγάλα updates μια φορά το μήνα περίπου και να δίνει το χρόνο της σους παίκτες να τα συνηθίζουν και να δίνουν το σωστό feedback μέχρι το επόμενο Update.
Η ώρα του πρώτου μετα-Gamescom update έρχεται με ένα ΠΟΛΥ ενδιαφέρον νέο. Ρίχνοντας μια χρήγορη ματιά στα patch notes μπορούμε να δούμε για το vaulting, την πάταξη του AFK farming, την ομίχλη, το key binding για να πετάς mark εκεί που είσαι αλλά και το πιο σημαντικό: Βελτίωση απόδοσης σε “χειρότερα” PC μέσω βελτίωσης των κτιρίων και των σκιών.
Τέρμα τα marshmallow buildings και το τρέξιμο μέχρι να “στρώσουν” τα γραφικά. Και ταυτόχρονα μπορούμε να ελπίζουμε και σε ένα μικρό FPS boost για όσους δεν μπορούν να έρθουν στο SP Gaming Net Station να απολαύσουν το παιχνίδι τους με ULTRA γραφικά.
Ταυτόχρονα θα δούμε και το νέο όπλο του παιχνιδιού. Το Mini-14 που θα παίρνει 5.56 σφαίρες λειτουργεί σαν sniper αλλά έχει λιγότερο damage από τα κλασσικά SR.
Στα υπόλοιπα όπλα, έχουμε αύξηση 35% reload speed στο crossbow, το Tommy Gun θα το βρίσκουμε και spawned μέσα στο νησί, ενώ θα μπορείς να ξαναβάλεις τη grenade στην τσέπη αν αλλάξεις όπλο. Σχετικά με το gameplay, η βασική αλλαγή είναι ότι αν γίνεις knocked στο νερό, ουσιαστικά είναι σαν kill μιας και πλέον θα εμφανίζεται το breath gauge και θα τρώς και επιπλέον damage over time από το κανονικό.
Και ένα τελευταίο καλό νέο για τους λάτρεις του FPP, μιας και θα πεί Leaderboard σε όλα τα regions του FPP.
Ας δούμε όλα τα Patch Notes.
Client Optimization
Optimized shadows
Improved performance on low-end PCs by optimizing buildings
Optimized client and server performance when there are multiple vehicles in a close vicinity
Optimized UI
Added Foggy weather
o The foggy weather effect will hinder player sight on the map. This weather effect has a low probability to occur
o In order to test the weather effect, the foggy weather will have a higher chance to occur during test server gameplay, but will be reduced for Live servers
Enhanced graphics of the sky in pre-existing weather effects
Added a new town, East of Stalber
Added new Option to change Cross-hair color
Added new Double Tap feature in control options for leaning (Default keys set to Q and E)
Added new option to improve the visual effect of going from free look back to character’s line of sight
Added new key binds when using Consumables
Teammates’ names are now representative of their current postures (IE Standing, Crouching, Prone, etc)
Added new key bind to mark your current position on the map (Default key set to Insert)
Added a new key bind to center the map around the character’s current position (Default key set to Space)
Added a new key bind to use the Consumables in the order of Med Kit, First Aid Kit, and Bandage (Default key set to “-“)
Added a new feature to reset the zeroing distance using Mouse wheel click
Adjusted the position of the Report window
New Item
Added a new weapon, the Mini-14. The Mini-14 is a lightweight and compact 5.56 semi-automatic marksman rifle
o The weapon uses sniper rifle attachments for both the muzzle and magazine slots, and can take any type of optic sight
o This weapon has lower damage stats than other DMR’s, which is compensated by very high muzzle velocity and low bullet drop
Distance at which shadows are rendered are now synchronized across all graphics settings to ensure fair play
Characters who are knocked out while underwater will now have a breath gauge as well as take additional damage over time
Adjusted the balance of several weapons:
o Increased the Crossbow reload speed by 35%
o Tommy gun has been removed from Care Packages and become a world spawn. It now supports attachments such as the Silencer, Vertical Foregrip, and Magazines
o Horizontal recoil scale has been clamped for greater consistency for weapons with high horizontal recoils
You may now holster grenades by switching to another weapon or unarmed state unless the grenades have already been cooked
The firing mode of weapons will now remain consistent with the firing mode that was selected, after dropping a weapon and picking it back up again
Adjusted the collision damage of Motorcycles
Recoil animations are updated for all weapons
Adjusted animations and balance of throwables
o Decreased fuse time of the Flash Grenade to 2.5 seconds
o Increased the lethal and injury ranges of the Frag Grenade
o Improved the animation for throwing grenades to allow for increased speeds and more accurate trajectories, but decreased visual trajectory distance of throwables
o Cooking of grenades is now manual (Default key set to R)
o You may now toggle the throwing mode between overhead and roll (Default key set to Right Mouse Click)
o The movement speed of a character affects the trajectory of throwables
Improved leaning animation; leaning on the left side to expose less of the body
Sprinting will no longer prevent regeneration of breath gauge and will stop leaning state automatically
You may change your stance while reloading without cancelling the reload
Added new sounds when using Consumables
Adjusted the audible ranges of reloading and window breaking
Added a new sound for collisions between vehicles and characters
Added new sound for the animation of removing the grenade safety pin
Bug Fixes
Characters that fall or glitch underneath the map will now be reset to the ground automatically
Fixed a bug where FOV slider value would be improperly set inside of vehicles in FPP mode, regardless of FOV slider setting
Fixed a bug resulting in clients freezing when changing controls in the options
Corrected the descriptions of certain weapon attachments
Fixed animation bugs of other characters after reconnecting to a game
Fixed several bugs related to the Spectator mode
Fixed a bug of the breath gauge appearing at zero at the start of the game
Reloading will now cancel if a character loots an item with Right Click during reload
Fixed a bug with the honking sound remaining persistent when opening the map or performing other actions while honking
You may no longer set different features on a single key bind in the Options
Fixed a graphic bug of the Magazine position on the weapon in the Inventory screen when switching to a different weapon
Revised the BP methodology to prevent BP farming and idle users from gaining BP
Added FPP Leaderboard for all regions with FPP
NVIDIA ShadowPlay Highlights™ now works on Window 7 and Window 8 (However, if Windows Aero is disabled it may not work)
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Manos Giannis Grigorakis
Pavlos Katsoulis Kostas Karpos
Τσολάκης Ανδροκλής
afou oi tosteries den to sikonoun ti ta tagareis ta pedia
Manos Giannis Grigorakis
Ανδροκλής Τσολάκης xD
Pavlos Katsoulis
Τι θες ρε σιφιλιαρι εσένα που η φριτεζα σου το σηκώνει γιατί είσαι σκουπίδι;
Τσολάκης Ανδροκλής
pezete lol 24/7 apo to gremo o enas meta ton allon prepei na pidiksete
vasika prepei na ftiaksoun ton hxo. Den einai dynaton to xali mesa sta spitia na exei same effect as grass… ffs….
Kwstantis Varnavas
Giorgos Tsintzas
Giorgos Tsintzas
Omixli pantou
Kwstantis Varnavas
pame bnb?
Giorgos Tsintzas
Exw ksipnima proi???